FGP (Foster Grandparents Program) provides young and old the chance to grow together. In Texas today, over 1,500 people serve as Foster Grandparents in 17 projects. They give care and attention to children and youth with special and exceptional needs each day.
Foster Grandparents volunteer in a broad range of settings, including schools, Head Start centers, hospitals, drug treatment centers, correctional institutions, and day care centers. They offer emotional support to children who have been abused and neglected, mentor troubled teenagers and young mothers, and care for premature infants and children with physical disabilities or severe illnesses, including AIDS. This special care helps young people grow, gain confidence, and become more productive citizens. In the process, Foster Grandparents strengthen communities by providing personalized services to special needs children that community budgets cannot afford and by building strong bridges across generations.
Foster Grandparents must be at least 55 years of age and meet certain income-eligibility requirements. They serve an average of 20 hours per week. Foster Grandparents participate in pre-service orientation and are provided in-service training throughout their service. They receive a stipend of $2.65 per hour to offset the cost of volunteering as well as reimbursement for transportation, some meals during service, an annual physical, and supplemental insurance while on duty.